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Elemental Clash Rulebook

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Elemental Clash Rulebook Empty Elemental Clash Rulebook

Post by Aikou Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:45 am

    01. No spamming and flaming. It’s as easy as that. We don’t want to see it as it will screw with the board and it is definitely unneeded here on Elemental Clash and repeated offenses may result in bans.

    02. Here the Avatar is a Non-Playable Character (NPC) because we don’t want to give anybody the advantage. The user does have an account and is accessible by the admin to play during events and events only.

    03. Please follow all the plot storylines that are provided. This is to make the forum and roleplay more interesting. If you are found to go outside the plot storylines, you will be given a warning.

    04. No god-modding. This is when battling you use really powerful attacks that may be above your rank or just over-powering and prevented from using on Elemental Clash. An example of this is for fire benders using a huge blast of fire to burn your skin to ashes.

    05. No auto-hitting. This is very simple; every attack has to be an attempt. You can’t hit automatically, an example is ‘shoots a fireball and burns you’. You have to give them a chance to dodge.

    06. No dodging everything. If you go three moves without getting hit, unless you are using a special ability, your fight will be null and void, and therefore be deleted and/or moved to the archives of the site, only seen by Head Admin.

    07. Respect the Head Admin and members of the ModSqaud. They have their honorable ranks for a reason as they have contributed from the start and helped create the site from the bud of an idea it was.

    08. Avatars/Icons must be relevant to your character. The avatar you have is how your character appears to others, but you may describe otherwise with clothes and more, but that is the general appearance. No nonsense pictures or stupid pictures.

    09. No rip-off characters. I know you guys like the show and all, but we don’t want a bunch of Aang’s and Zuko’s running around the roleplay like they are all that, so be original. Also if your character resembles somebody in the show too much, it shall be denied.

    10. If you are going to be absent for a period of 10 days or longer, please report to a head admin. You will be excluded from wars and such if you hold a leader position, and you will also be placed on the leave of absence list.

    11. One post is limited to a maximum of two actions. We don’t want people doing like sixteen attacks in one post, it’s too much for the other person to manage and honestly, impossible to complete.

    12. Please play like how you described your character in registration. If you are a self-contained blood-thirsty outlaw don’t go skipping through a meadow and picking daisies. Stick to your characters personality.

    13. During a battle or roleplay segment, you can’t control another character, meaning you can’t describe their actions. If you do so and an admin sees or is contacted, your post will be deleted and announced null and void.

    14. Please be descriptive. Not really descriptive but to a sense where it is deciphered correctly. The posting minimum is 3 sentences or 3 lines and we will allow you to slip away a few times if you are just getting into it. But after a while, you need to reach the standard.

    15. We use a simple three-strike system. Small offenses like double-posting more than once in a row, not meeting rp standard or spamming are one strike. Higher offenses are worth two strikes and some worth an instant ban. Follow these rules and you will have a great time.

Kyoshi Leader/Pin-Point Warrior

Posts : 17
Join date : 2009-07-17
Age : 31
Country : Kyoshi

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Elemental Clash Rulebook Left_bar_bleue1250/1250Elemental Clash Rulebook Empty_bar_bleue  (1250/1250)
Element Mastery:
Elemental Clash Rulebook Left_bar_bleue800/800Elemental Clash Rulebook Empty_bar_bleue  (800/800)


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